June 30, 2010

Grasschatten Nr. 12

These are actually two different shadows, even if the one somehow seems to be the shadow of the other.

June 27, 2010


Serpico, "the Funky Experience", hier soir au bal de l'Ecole Righi à Nice.

13.5 x 21 cm

June 20, 2010

Marek Halter

Marek Halter lors d'une conférence au Festival du Livre de Nice cet après-midi

Writer Marek Halter during a conference at the Nice Book Fair this afternoon.

10.5 x 15 cm

June 13, 2010

Sylvia 2008

To break a long silence, just a little sign of life.
I sold a drawing recently (well ... not very recenlty to be honest), and to my surprise it turned out to be one that I hadn't even scanned and posted here before, probably considering it too minor!

Hoping to be back soon with more stuff,
Yours truly