April 18, 2015

Drawing ...

I've taken a few photographs of my drawings last week. Here is one. More to come.


Linda Roth said...

The way you render grasses resemble Van Gogh's early drawings. I've been studying them recently. Seeing this one makes me miss my early morning drawing sessions; I've been on holiday the last few days. Nice to see you'rre posting your work again. Blogging painters don't appreciate graphite drawings; if your work doesn't have color, it's just a sketch. They are wrong, of course. Drawing is fundamental.

Werner said...

Thank you L.W. -
Strange, I had a book about Van Gogh's color theory about twenty years ago (then I lent it and never got it back), but I haven't been interested in his drawings a lot.
In the meantime I use so many different grades of pencils, they are like colors to me.