January 21, 2008


Sometimes you make a drawing and you don't know why it just doesn't want to look like what you've tried hard to achieve ... well, my daughter likes this one anyway, so I thought I might post it. (Nice, this afternoon)

Des fois on n'aime pas un dessin qu'on ne trouve pas ce qui aurait pu le sauver, mais les autres l'aiment quand même ... bon, comme ma fille aime celui-ci, je vous le montre... (Nice, Blue Beach, vers 13 h)

Manchmal ist man ziemlich unzufrieden mit einer Zeichnung und weiss nicht, wie man sie hätte retten können - naja, diese hier gefällt immerhin meiner Tocher, darum zeige ich sie trotzdem. (Nizza, heute nachmittag)

Pencil, 14 x 12 cm


Suzanne McDermott said...

Your daughter knows what she's talking about. The BIGGEST challenge when I teach drawing (not that you need any teaching!) and for myself is to accept a piece for what it becomes rather than some idea I have in my mind at the outset or in process. On some previous post of mine I wrote something to the effect that usually, when I have a watercolor or drawing up in my studio that I'm not too crazy about, inevitably someone will walk in and say "I LOVE that one!:"

Suzanne McDermott said...


Werner — Monday, January 21st, marks my three month anniversary posting daily paintings. Come by Landscape into Art for a special mention and My Great Day for a party favor.