February 07, 2010

Shadows of cups of coffee (1 and 2)

A few weeks ago, Philippe offered me a large size Watercolour Moleskine, which I have inaugurated today, deciding to use it for a new "project": Shadows of cups of coffee (or other beverages that I may consume).
The first two drawings in this series are made in Monaco.

Merci à Philippe qui m'a offert un grand Moleskine récemment - je l'ai inauguré aujourd'hui avec une nouvelle série: Ombres des tasses de café (ou autres boissons) que j'ai consommées. Voici les deux premiers dessins de cette série.

Neulich schenkte mir Philippe ein mittelgrosses Moleskine, das ich heute mit den ersten Zeichnungen einer neuen Serie eingeweiht habe: Tassenschatten von Kaffees (oder auch anderen Getränken), die ich hier und da mal trinke.

13 x 21 cm (5 x 8 1/4 in).


Suzanne McDermott said...

Ahhh.... Coffee in Monaco. I like the new project. Good fun to have a new sketchbook! I'll look forward to see what you make on that moleskine paper.

Art Trip said...

Nice drawings!

Werner said...

Hi Suzanne,
Thank you for your comment.
See you soon ... on your blog!

Werner said...

Thank you too, "Art Trip"!

Lorena said...

I keep seeing a sort of film projector imagery and Bauhaus aesthetic in these drawings, something to do with the opening and dimensionality of the coffee cup. The more I look at the drawings, the more they become a philosophical Rorschach test

Werner said...

Hi Lorena,
Hm, now that you say that, I think maybe all art is some sort of Rorschach test as well ?!